For more than 20 years Groupe SMIDCOM has been developing solutions and designs for the installation of professional greenhouses (turnkey projects) through to its expertise in the protection of orchards in Spain and Morocco.

Protecting and improving the quality of your crops by protecting them from pests as well as offering the possibility to free yourself from external climatic constraints (hail, rain, wind, cold and heat) is our expertise.

We have developed a wide range of greenhouse structure designs in the field of soft fruits and vegetables, also we have designed special greenhouses for citrus pollination and at the same time we have improved all types of greenhouses in the field of anti-hail netting that meets the needs and requirements of our customers namely red fruits and vegetable producers, horticulturists, nursery gardeners, arboriculturists and grape growers)

These structures of professional greenhouses, in addition to their role of protection, they allow to benefit from the natural luminosity with the possibility of lengthening the photoperiod by artificial lights while keeping the control of the hygrometric conditions and guaranteeing good harvests.

Groupe SMIDCOM not only cooperates with international organizations regarding innovation and development of agricultural sector, but also participates closely through its insertion in the implementation of intelligent agriculture by the collection and monitoring of real-time data, such as data from agricultural weather stations, plant growth cycle, pest cycle monitoring record, prediction of agricultural production and scientific planting.

Improving the management level of agricultural facility construction can promote the modernization of agriculture and the development of agricultural production. We bring our expertise to best meet your expectations and advise you on the most suitable greenhouse for your project and for the choice of your crops.