La Macfrut est l’un des plus importants salons de l’industrie des fruits et légumes en Europe. La prochaine édition, Macfrut 2024, se tiendra du 7 au 8 mars à Cesena, en Italie. Les Journées internationales de la myrtille seront l’un des temps forts de cet événement, mettant en lumière les dernières tendances et innovations dans la culture de cette fruit.
la présence de Groupe SMIDCOM à Macfrut 2024 mettra en évidence les efforts de l’entreprise pour promouvoir la durabilité et la responsabilité en matière de culture. Groupe SMIDCOM a mis en place des pratiques écologiques dans ses fermes, telles que l’utilisation de méthodes de culture respectueuses de l’environnement et la réduction de l’utilisation de pesticides. Ces efforts contribuent à protéger l’environnement tout en garantissant des produits de qualité pour les consommateurs.

The organizer of the International Highbush Bilberry Conference is Hortus Media Sp. z oo, publisher of the Internet portals jagodnik.pl and warzywapolowe.pl, and co-publisher of the magazine JAGODNIK. We undertake many innovative activities that enable us to promote modern cultivation methods, the development of agricultural holdings as well as access to new markets. The outdoor meetings as well as the large international conferences organized by our team serve not only to acquire knowledge, but also, or above all, to obtain new contacts thanks to which you can manage your business more efficiently and easily.
The International Highbush Bilberry Conference is considered one of the biggest blueberry industry events. Every year it brings together blueberry growers, fruit exporters, traders and a whole range of companies active in the blueberry sector. Previous years' editions have been very popular among participants from all over the world and 800 to 950 people have taken part in each of them. The International Highbush Blueberry Conference is a place to share knowledge about blueberry cultivation. It allows you to explore the offer of companies participating in the blueberry market, gives you the opportunity to establish B2B connections. Thus, it offers a chance to your business. In 2023, the International Blueberry Conference will be held on March 9-10. Stationary formula – Poland, Ożarów Mazowiecki, Hotel Mazurkas.